Appendix C




Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 9:32 AM
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: Re: 03886 Hove park community cafe

EG CON ENDS 01.11.2023 VALID PPN & PCH (A)

I would like to object to this application please on the grounds of 1/ prevention of public nuisance 2/ protection of children from harm

The interior of the cafe is tiny. I’m unclear how the premises are big enough to facilitate this change . If an alcohol licence is granted will alcohol be served outside ?

The cafe already serves customers outside their premises - I don’t believe that they should be able to serve alcohol outside the premises .

Alcohol served up to 10:30 at night will result in louder and more objectionable behaviour disrupting other park users during the day. People leaving the area late at night will disrupt local residents .

This isn’t a restaurant it is a small cafe serving snacks so this isn’t comparable with a restaurant licence .

 There is a planning application made by the local tennis club to build  a pavilion next to the cafe . Will this also have a licence ? If so this will result in two premises with licences next to each other

Thank you





From: CustomerFeedback <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2023 11:02 AM
Cc: CustomerFeedback <>
Subject: (Ref:BHC14312734)



Re: Alcohol License Application for Hove Park Cafe.


Dear Licensing Team,


Please find my objections / concerns to an alcohol license being issued to Hove Park Cafe.


The prevention of crime and disorder.


* The building doesn't appear that secure and is only protected by low grade padlocks and wooden shutters. The storage of alcohol in this building is going to make it a target with the Park View, Cul-de-sac or park paths providing an easy get away.

* An alarm is not likely to be heard or responded to.


Public safety.


* The whole park generally is poorly lit after dark and if the court lights are not on that whole area around the café is very dark.

* No CCTV, just in case there is an incident?

* Increased vehicular traffic on the park paths, bringing the alcohol in.

* The cafes current food (fruit and veg + bread ) are unattended deliveries at between 5-6 a.m and are left in a poorly padlocked cupboard / room at the rear of the café, will the alcohol be delivered the same way?

* The café deliveries already contribute to the destruction of the grass area out on to Park View as their delivery drivers exit the park over the grass and pavement out on to the road (Video's submitted to councillors), will this increase?

* With the volume of parking available around the park the risk of a drink drive incident increases in an area where children are crossing.

The prevention of public nuisance.

* If the public toilets are shut at 6-7pm, will the café be providing a public toilet facility up until 10.30pm or when it closes, If not where will patrons relieve themselves?


The protection of children from harm


* Once the alcohol has been sold inside the café who will police it's consumption in and around the café area? What will stop adults purchasing alcohol on behalf of minors?

* Who will police left over alcohol, what will stop children just being able to walk around the park and pick up other peoples dregs?





Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 4:36 PM
To: EHL Licensing <>
Subject: Re: Hove Park Community Cafe


EG CON ENDS 01.11.2023 VALID PPN & PCH (C)


Good morning,


With reference to the application by the above for a licence to serve alcohol daily from midday to 10pm, I wish to register an objection.


Located as the café is in the park, close to the climbing rock, table tennis tables etc, it is not very appropriate to have alcohol on sale so close to areas where little children play. I am not at all opposed to the consumption of alcohol, but this is not an appropriate place for it. The park is a place for healthy outdoor recreation and there are plenty of places very close to the park, including a pub, for people to go to if they want to drink alcohol.


In addition, the cafe is located very close to a residential area and the extended opening hours that will accompany the granting of this license will inevitably generate increased noise and disturbances, not least the much later closing up with associated noise from bottles and people leaving. Will there be additional lighting for safety reasons for the later opening? How will that impact those who live on Park View Road? Has the impact of more frequent deliveries been considered?


I cannot support this application.









Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 11:50 PM

To: EHL Licensing <>

Subject: re Application for alcohol licence for the cafe in Hove Park


EG CON ENDS 01.11.2023 VALID PCD & PCH (D)


Re Application for Selling of Alcohol Licence for Café in Hove Park.


I am REDACTED and I am a local resident at REDACTED who uses the park REDACTED.


In response to your notices posted in Hove Park, I wish to object to the granting of a licence to sell alcohol to the café in Hove Park on the following grounds.


The café is very family oriented at the moment, and seems to have regained its clientèle since the restrictions of Covid were lifted, usually being packed except in the worst of weather, when even then it has some customers. None of the folks I have used it with, or in my wider circle of acquaintances,  have ever raised the issue of wanting an alcoholic drink while using the café. This is a reflection of the whole park being very family centred.


I suspect the only ones who want the alcohol licence are the proprietors of the café.


I fail to see the need for alcohol to be sold in the park, when it is only 350m,  a few minutes walk, to the Hove Park Tavern, which is fully licensed. Also, the Waitrose store, which is even closer, is licensed to sell alcoholic drinks for off-licence consumption. The crucial thing about these venues is that they are in very public places, well lit and easily accessible to the police and other emergency services .The café on the other hand is not.

I note that the application is for supply up to the hour of 22:00 in the evening, every day of the week. I need hardly point out that already, only at the start of November, it is getting dark from 16:30, even earlier in cloudy weather.


An inspection of the park today reveals that the only  permanently lit public lighting in the park is on the Droveway, and that is tinted green, otherwise, the closest lights are on Park View Road, which are of the low, downward pointing  type so as not to impinge on the neighbouring properties. As such, they cast hardly any light into the park, and none into the vicinity of the café.


I presume that the owners of the café are not proposing to spend the considerable amount of money needed to provide the adequate lighting required to make this a safe environment for the drinking of alcohol.

In these circumstances, I fear that the café will provide a gathering point   for those who are not able to drink responsibly, either due to their age and inexperience, or their personal circumstance over which they have little control, particularly at this time of economic stress.

The city already has a problem with public drinking in various areas, such as Queen’s Road and in the North Laine, where restriction notices have had to be brought in. These areas are again very visible and easily accessible for emergency services, which Hove Park is not.

 I do not want the great public asset which is Hove Park to have to become subject to clause 3 of the Consumption of Alcohol Public Spaces Protection Order 2022  which states that 

“ the consumption of alcohol;” is a “prohibited activity’” in a public space


 ‘public places’ means any place to which the public or any section of the public has access, on payment or otherwise, as of right or by virtue of express or implied permission;


I could mention other issues, such as the environmental impact of plastic, or even worse, glass receptacles for the alcohol on the surrounding park which is thronged with children, but I think that the main point I would make is that Hove Park is a huge, family friendly asset to the community of Hove and Brighton, and the financial benefit to the owners of the café are far out weighed by the detriment done to this refuge for families.





31st October 2023